Join the adventure of a slime as they roll towards their lover, facing obstacles along the way.

(This game is most likely NOT playable on phones)


  • WASD/Arrow Keys to move camera before level starts
  • Press Spacebar to jump (and also to start each level)
  • Press R to reset the level
  • Reach the pink slime to win the level
  • Pick-ups (Indicated by white square border) is used by clicking/holding Spacebar button
  • (Note that you can use the browser's back button to exit fullscreen)

Relation to theme:

The theme for GMTK Game Jam 2021 was "Joined Together". I interpreted the words in the slime's relationship, because the game is about a slime who overcomes obstacles to be with their lover (hence, them being Joined Together).


This game was made using Unity (2018.4) and Libresprite


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Doesn't seem connected to the jams theme at all